Adam personally makes each glass piece you purchase, it will take 2-4 weeks to process your order before shipping. We ship UPS ground with tracking & will send an email conformation once your order has shipped. Thank you for your patience, it will be worth the wait for a finely made, one of a kind, custom glass fish.
Bluefish: Handblown Glass Fish
Size Choices:
- Small (10-12") = $400
- Medium (14-16") = $600
- Large (18-20") = $800
Fun Fish Facts:
Bluefish is a migratory, warm-water species that ranges throughout the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to Argentina, from Spain to southern Africa. Swimming together in large schools, strong, stout bluefish migrate north with warming water temperatures and generally, but not always, appear along Maine’s coast during the summer months. Blue-green above and silvery below, the bluefish has a large mouth, projecting lower jaw, and prominent sharp teeth. The tail is deeply forked. Bluefish are powerful, constant swimmers and voracious predators.